Friday, September 19, 2014

Hope's Happy Hugs

Highlights from our Mexico Missions Trip (July 2014)

Faith & Hope had a wonderful time serving in Ensenada, Mexico. Being Hope's very 1st missions trip, she did very well. Hope got a lot of practice going door to door, saying "Hola."

As a family, we helped paint a church building, replaced a roof and had a Children's program for the kids.  We even visited a Day Care facility that had a few orphans on site because the orphanage was being renovated.

Hope even expressed a few words on the team's blog:

Hope sure gave a lot of hugs to everyone:

Danny was our Team Host, who led us to our projects.

Hope helped get our dorm room more points when she colored an Olaf picture for the "Cleaning Fairies" which led us to win the price of "Cleanest Dorm Room!"

Hugs to everyone!

Lesson Learned: It's one thing to learn about compassion, it's another thing to apply it

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pay It Forward

Summer is here! Isn't that Olaf's favorite season?
(Thanks Aunty Jasmine G. for the cute T-shirt)

Miss Hope has already finished Kindergarten and has been diligent in her reading & writing during her summer days. 

For this particular summer, Faith & Hope are preparing to go to Mexico with us on a missions trip.  Our team of 20 is hoping to help out at an orphanage, build & repair a house & run a carnival for the families in the Ensenada area.  In our 1st World country, we take for granted all that we have. We hope that the girls will see how blessed we are in the USA. This is Hope's very 1st missions trip and she has raised all her funds as a team member. Hope has been a joy to us and we desire that she would learn to "Pay It Forward" in her own life. 

2014 Mexico Missions Team

Check out our Team Blog for updates:

Saturday, February 8, 2014

"Let It Snow"

We finally had a REAL birthday party for Hope. All the other times, they were small family celebrations. This time, we wanted to make Hope's 6 years old birthday slightly more memorable. 
So, we decided upon a "Snow Party."
Yes, that's right. SNOW in San Jose. How did we do it? Well, Owen and I drove up to Tahoe, stole the remaining amount of snow left at the time and brought it back.   NOT!
Actually, we had 1500 lbs of snow delivered into our backyard. This is what Californians have to do for that "Winter Wonderland" feeling. 

With Frozen's "Do you want to build a Snowman?" playing in the air, "Pin a Carrot on Olaf" game and warm chili dogs, the festivities were a great hit. 
Once again, our family is reminded of what an incredible blessing Hope is to us. She is a delight and a gift from God.