After a delicious and abundant buffet breakfast at the Novotel- Citygate Hotel, we were ready to see my relatives on the Hong Kong side. We managed to squeeze into one taxi, 3 adults, one child, one baby, a stroller and 6 pieces of luggage. And it wasn't a van taxi.
My cousin had called that morning and said that our accommodations had changed. Instead of staying at a place that my cousin owned, they had booked us "something else." So, we showed up at the King's Hotel in Wan Chai. When we arrived, we could bearly find the entrance. It was hidden in this back alley. Okay, this was the first sign of "BEWARE." The vestibule was black like you're entering into a lounge or night club. 2nd sign! The lobby was located on the 11th floor. When we asked for a baby bed, they had none. 3rd sign!! They had booked us, ONE room, with one queen and a twin. We have five people. You do the math. It was cramped, stuffy and overlooked a parking garage and businesses. When I say "overlooked", I mean they can totally "look over" into our room.
If Owen can see the two Lamborghini in the lot across from us, it's just too close to home. We could hardly fit all our luggage in.
The bathroom was the same size as an airplane's. And oops, forgot one major gigantic sign- COCKROACHES!Yes that is correct. These signs pretty much says, "Hotel from Hill." It's H-E- Double Hockey sticks! (Sorry photos unavailable, cockroaches move too fast)
We tried to opt out of these "accommodations." But my cousins via a friend, had paid in full. We tried to change our flight to leave early, it would cost us $350/person in US dollars to change our United Flights. Yes indeed, we are in "purgatory." If there were levels, this would be level 10.
My dear optimistic husband is trying to bring out the positive side in all this. I haven't been able to see it yet. He says, "at least we're still alive." Yes, but barely. I've been having coughing spasms. They're so bad that I haven't slept for 3 days now. The coughing is so bad that my back and chest muscles hurt or I have "kegel" problems.
That pretty much sums it up! You do not know how much I want to come home. Monday morning needs to come sooner. Please PRY 4 us!!!