Monday, April 6, 2009

Mao's Revenge

You've heard of Montezuma's Revenge. You get the runs cause something bad is in your system. Here in China, it's Mao's Revenge. And Owen's had it for 2 days. Sunday night, Owen started feeling bad and that entire night and next day, he was running to the bathroom.

I (Grace) was a little stressed out because Monday, we had the medical examination and we were all suppose to go together. Good news was, my Mom helped me and bad news was Owen was in the hotel room for the whole day. He hasn't eaten anything substantial yet, thank goodness for Trader Joe's "ak-mak" 100% whole wheat crackers. Turns out Hope has an ear infection and we were able to get better antibiotics.

I got an eye infection too. Thank Dad that we have an eye doctor with us and he happened to bring antibiotic drops. I had a fever and still have a severe sore throat. Man, talk about 2nd hand smoke damage. Be thankful that our states have SMOG checks.

We feel very weary and wish were home soon. But we need to wait for the Chinese Consulate to approve Hope's visa to leave the country.

But Hope is a still a really wonderful baby. As sick as she is, she hardly cries. She only cries when she's about to get into a vehicle. Understandable, most likely never been in a car. She cries when she doesn't get enough to eat. And she screams when she takes a bath. She cries like she's about to drown. All the cries only last about 30secs to 1 min. She smells less and less like an "anchovy." Yeah for us! She still looks like she is from Mongolia, those red cheeks. Otherwise, she's a pretty content kid.


  1. Hooray!! Pictures!!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your days with us so we know how to lift you up. Zachary also saw the pictures and says that Hope looks very cute. He can't wait to meet her in person.
    Keep sending pictures and regular updates. We look forward to meeting your newest addition.

  3. Funny, she eats her blanket, just like our #2.
