Oh what a joy it was to see everyone and their precious adoptive children. Although each of our families come from all over the United States, there was a natural connection between all of us. Not only have we been bonding with our new child but we've been bonding with each other. Why not, we're all sharing this incredible "life-changing" adoptive experience together, one that we'll never forget. And we share a common faith and that my friends is priceless. Everything else Master Card.

Faith had a grand ol' time swimming with our new friends in the hotel pool. They make you purchase and wear these "funky" looking swim caps. They were colors and patterns from the 70's, something Mr. Roper would wear from "Threes Company." Can you tell I was a "latch-key" kid from the 70's?
Note: A "TT (Tolerate Toilets)" support group meeting will be held today. Location and time will be announced later. We will be working on our "eeby-jeeby" issues.
As for Po Po Annie, she's getting better. She's sick of being sick and was able to see a herbalist yesterday.

As for Hope, our poor little one, is still very congested and has a runny nose. She's amazing though and each day she grows more and more animated. It's like her "Emotional Quotient" is growing.
hang in there guys! we can't wait to see all 4 of you. I love reading your blog. Don't you just love technology! I feel like i'm right there with ya. Big hugggssss....