Saturday, February 21, 2009

Traveling To China

Our agency informed us that we will be traveling around the end of March. Meanwhile, we wait for our travel approvals. We just renewed another Homeland Security clearance. There's visas to apply for and other travel arrangements to prepare for. The big shocker is the 'In Country Fees" of $7000 still needed for the final stage of this adoption. Man, with this severe economic crisis happening around the world, don't they know that it's hard for people to get that kind of cash. We are totally at their mercy. Gee, do we pay for our property tax or do we pick up our daughter from China.
Well, it is what it is and we will not lose hope. We are determined to make this work. Thus, we are naming our new daughter Hope. So grace-full-lee, faith-full-lee and hope-full-lee, we will travel to China soon. Maybe we'll rename Owen to truth, than he'll be truth-full-lee.


  1. Wow! What an awesome blog! I enjoyed following your story -- or His Story! I'm proud of you, Grace! You go girl! :o)
    Praying for you and looking forward to see how God will continue to bring this whole fami-LEE together!

  2. Ooh, another blogger to follow. Can't wait to hear about your exciting journey. We'll be praying for you!

  3. We are excited for what God will do in your family's life. We eagerly wait to meet your new daughter. Let us know how we can help out when you are gone. We'll be praying!
